
i'm on utc+2 (nov-mar) / utc+3 (apr-oct), for now. may spout stuff in more short form on my (or very rarely twitter - mostly retweet there these days).

may 2024

fri, may 3 ~ 10pm

now that i think i got triple-pic layouting to Work Properly i think i will port over my lil post about the trip back in last october from my tumblr :-) with much jankier flex alignment than how tumblr posts do it lol, i embrace the jank

w/o further ado... 11-15 oct 2023 travelog
(for now unedited as i wrote it on oct 15 2023)

went on a goofy condensed music event catching workbreak trip.... 3 events in 3 days and 3 meager hours of sleep after each of them but it was very worth it hahaha

saw vegyn live in london on thurs, oli xl dj in berlin on fri (didnt know i would be feistily catching it UNTIL WEDNESDAY when he + the venue announced it), and club zero event with some bunch of ppl dj+live including ecco2k dj in helsinki on saturday… was really cool

enjoy some selection of pics i guess just cos i feel like it!

burger menu that has the text ASS on the spiciness indicator frog keychain atop yellow jacket bunched on a plane seat fisherman's friend pastilles, but the first two letters of its name covered up by my thumb so it says 'sherman\'s friend'

ended up losing the frog in berlin but it's ok cos i found leibniz kunterbunt cookies...

my stretched-out leg and a couple of butterfly cushions alongside regular cushions, on a hostel sofa pigbaby live set, the backdrop visual saying 'pigbaby' in stylized doodled text vegyn live set, with more involved visuals than pigbaby's

rogue intruder soul enhancer reference at the hostel...Just Kidding. pigbaby set was neato, vegyn's was really sick.

a wooden door with text scribbles and floral painted illustrations me clutching a couple packs of leibniz kunterbunt cookies at a grocery store cool big circular light-up installation up on a wall, with many led lights in three tiers around a non-lit-up center, shifting in colour and brightness

thought to myself how kwia's light-up wall installation looks like an eye, cos it lights up mostly from the centre and the non-lit-up very centre resembles a pupil this way. and oli previewed some tunes off his upcoming album during his allnight set, and the album's named lick the lens. and oli's dj-ed at that venue kind of plenty by now. kind of funny!

from-the-floor view on the dj setup on a table draped in cloth with wobbly checkerboard pattern a glass mug of tea, a couple cocktail glasses and a wine glass snug around a fake candle on a wooden block on the floor oli xl at the deck, sitting as he tweaks something on one of the cdj-s

had only one sweet ginger tea, while waiting for oli to appear. should've got another during, would've been really cozy. he tucked the few lick the lens tunes among other songs, was like a silly little guessing game, but i got good feeling from the tunes :')

eye-rolling cartoonish face painted within black squiggly lines on a yellow wall, in a corridor the crowd at the club zero event, blurry, a few with phones up trying to catch footage of ecco2k rui ho dj set

it's funny, i didnt see ecco a lick cos i was too deep in the crowd and with friends but can't get everything i want cos i did get a 5hour oli xl set hahaha; ecco played fifths by ingrate and bby by overmono back to back which made me happy lol but overall it was just sorta fun; got to chill with friends at the event tho (as implied) which makes me rly happy

a ship at sea, with some clouds in the sky, as seen from a window of the ship i was on late dusk, with some clouds peppering a barely lit and gradiented sunset sky, as seen from a bus window

maybe it's good i didn't have the reflexes to request cartoon smile from oli right after he wound down his set - it resonates with me deep (it's become like an onion of cute moments/times of connection within my heart to me), i teared up over cartoon smile like 3 times between the helsinki event and getting home, no idea what effect it would've had on me at kwia on 3 hours of sleep with oli himself nearby!

oh also its rlly funny cos i ended up getting a cheeseburger meal from hesburger, mcdonalds and burger king on this same trip... (respectively riga railway station, in london post-vegyn near the venue with the friend i was with, and on the ferry home)

[end of travelog]

april 2024

tue, apr 30 ~ 11pm

some list of things, in no particular order

tue, apr 23 ~ 9pm

bought a whole 500gram thing of unsliced unflavored (merely salted) bacon today, wild level of physicality in slicing it up myself, aware that this is a chunk of a Once Living Being. meat from the side of a pig. but it feels like a more respectful form of meat in some sense, than some others i like texture-wise (some just being Undefined Blended Meatstuff really haha). hopefully this pig had a kind enough life

adjacently thinking about how some estonian company thing dedicated to checking the efficiency of animal husbandry publishes monthly statistics about the names of dairy cows, alphabetically and by frequency (for names upon 10 (registered i guess) cows or more). it's only in estonian, but the dairy cow name stats are within here. my first name is on the first page frequency-wise which is lowkey wild. but some of the names are funny. 28 dairy cows named volvo! (naturally i currently also check for oli and surely enough there's 14 as of april 1st. which i apparently also checked a year ago as per dm-s with bestie and it was 14 then too lol, 27 volvo then tho)

my parents have this semidomesticated crow that dwells at their house/gardenplot for a longer while now, whom they've named viktor. they give the crow foodstuffs pretty frequently, and the crow occasionally chases away herons and such (some of which could otherwise moderately endanger the pond fish). pretty cute, the vague symbiosis of some kind, and the having named the crow.

kind of feeling like writing down about the recent trips, so:

march 28-29 helsinki club zero nite trip highlights (non-chronological)

april 4-8 london trance party + amsterdam patrick wolf show trip highlights (also non-chrono)

okay i think that's all for now... it's almost 10pm now, i ought to prep for bed soon.

thu, apr 18 ~ 9pm

the aforementioned trip went nicely, the workbreaktime trip went overall nicely too, i'm barely in the mood to write about anything cos i'm a bit under the weather right now from everything feeling so fucking arbitrary and life seeming so fragile sometimes and all that. it'll pass, maybe i'll write more another time, maybe about those too, or maybe not. for now feeling a bit reclusive.

the sun has peeked out from the clouds two evenings in a row so i've had sunny walks after work these past couple of days, a bit of a morale boost. heavily feel like i need to rearrange my priorities. but i did back up my 2024 pics onto my laptop the other day, tho not sorted most of them yet (just the ones from the trips into their own folders).

march 2024

wed, mar 27 ~ 10pm

helsinki music event trip tomorrow, and i'm rather excited. i haven't even packed yet though, i want to pack some food with me (maybe sandwichstuffs), and i might grab either my crochet project (improvising a lil standalone hood from some kinda cool yarn. least i have foldable scissors in my wallet so there's no worry with those) or a book or two i have from the library with me so i would advance on them during the transiting there or back, if i'm not napping or enjoying the window views. need to check in online to the hostel too... maybe on the bus tomorrow, when i got both my phone and my wallet at hand.

might go for the crochet project to go, least i can sort of do that and gazing out the window a little more simultaneously than reading, though might still grab one of the books with me too, maybe one of the ones i haven't started yet. i got 3 books from the radio+telecomms section last time i was there, cos i had randomly sauntered to that section haha, 2 books on the history of estonian telecomms (one across 100 years, the other focusing on 2000-2020), and one book with selected transcribed interviews from a radio show (hosting those of interviews between parent-and-child known estonian people).

i have to clean my room and/or put some of my non-child-friendly clutter away before leaving, have halfbro ft wife and 2 kids comin by tomorrow thru saturday, the timing is really funny, 2nd time in a row this (i.e. me being away for their visit) has happened with them !! maybe i'll peruse the inside of my bed-box honestly, for the time being it could work.

my shoulder let up by yesterday evening fortunately, slightly overexerted my back though at work, but it's mostly let up too now with some rest, which is good... my cat's been sleeping on my lap for the past couple hours i think, should get up and pack and clean and go to sleep, i leave rather early tomorrow.

think i might simply add notebook updates into the changelog in post, whenever updating other shit on the site. could be an ok approach for that.

mon, mar 25 ~ 9:30-10:30pm

been out of it much of today, my right shoulder been giving me pain w some movements today, mustve pulled it, and i also slept badly, only fell asleep around 1am if not later, and my cat woke up my 6th sense of knowing when shes going to throw up at fucking 5am, had to quickly get her off the windowsill, ended up breaking a few of the star-shaped glass ornaments i had hanging at my window (3 of 12). though maybe the broken ones have some sort of value to them too... they all just got one corner each shattered off them. but i feel like i must've pulled my shoulder then too. had a bit of a terrible time some of today at work, and it got me on edge emotionally in the evening, that and some other shit. i only have enough energy for a notebook blurb tonight in lieu of more intricate site updates, so everything today will go here, and then i will go to sleep.

note to self: adjust .hrlite in the css
note not to self: dont think im arsed anymore to page notebook updates into the changelog. i want to make updating this bit as low-stakes for myself as i can, for moments such as this.

a few more links wrt palestine, into here while i havent made a separate page or some such for now, to complement the shit via hillhouse's link the button on main currently links to

admittedly i might mostly be straight too swept up by the everyday etc most of the time (n work tires me out too much at times) for meaningful irl action type shit, plus the fact i live slightly unfeasibly far from the bigger cities... (gestures) yeh. i do what i can, thru the 'nets mostly.

omw home from work i stopped by the stream running thru town, at a part where theres some rocks in it and a lil water cascade, over the rocks. listened for some bit. i'd been feeling on edge from the aforementioned shoulder pain, and it kind of trudging up some emotional wounds in me for some reason too. felt earlier like venting about those in here too, but not for now... but, everything felt (feels) so absurd, like, what all this bullshit for. wanted to cry, opted for shedding a few tears.

re: oliponders, i started rotating the thought of adding the following pic, from the cover of oli xl's instance for year0001's sounds playlists, from four years ago oops, into the oliponders' secret id=cute section too... sorry if you're oli (the thought of him stumbling upon this site lives in my head acutely whenever i add to the oliponders - i have my site linked in all my active social media etc bios) but, the eyes, ok.


im very normal

oli xl in spring/autumn-appropros outfit, a la selfie, looking into the camera, dark brown eyes; additional styling around the image for use as playlist cover

okay that's all. good night.

tue, mar 12 ~ 10pm

i've been listening to ribbon bone by instupendo and oli xl all evening on loop (on my old mp3 player, out of inertia really. so no lastfm scrobbles from this). it's one of those evenings. mostly the silk chaser version, the one supposed to be on oli's eventual album... calculated off of my scrobbles that i've heard oli say pay attention at least 39 thousand times. yeah ive listened to the tune over 1500 times combined. but, do i fuckin pay attention. (the phrase repeats 24 times in silk chaser ver, 26 in chalk dancer, the one on instupendo's love power a-to-z album. at least if i counted correctly. im just in some flow a lot of the time when listening to oli and adjacent)

have mostly been flowing in the stupid mundaneity a lot of the time lately, haven't really felt the need to blurb about much publicly. got plans for the site tho, eventually will deal w em...!!

i've been selectively deleting a big bulk of my older tumblr posts/reblogs, after having archived the posts a couple weeks back. not solely but still largely because i've kind of just been passively wondering about how i'd wanna continue existing online. (but also did find the exact post im referring to whenever i go like historical times, and wtf do i do ... laundry, barely. because i really do still be doing laundry, barely...)

this blurb of thoughts from kinluwi tapping a lil further into some of the aspects of the wondering. so real. (also trawling thru the links the person got in the link recs page n damn i gotta read the should data expire thing in full. fuck it, maybe once ive crawled to bed n before i sleep)
relatedly, this post bout perusing social media as mere websites that i've kept around as link for a longer while now has kind of silently prodded me to currently alternate between being logged on into nothing of such sort on my phone and logging in and out of discord and instagram in particular on there... and i mean theres plenty other writing out there about this typa shit.

but it's kind of a relieving thing to sorta have stopped expecting myself to get back to people or things online immediately. helps that like all of the online friends i have, and even my semi-irl bestie and other semi-irl friends, seem to be the same way at least in relation to me for plenty reasons (busy life, limited energy, timezones, whatever). shoutout.

february 2024

wed, feb 28 ~ 10pm

in the midst of another wall of workdays, but tomorrow the last one for the week and i'll be off early too - and the forecast for the weekend seems pleasant. variably cloudy into sunny. there's a gallery night on friday evening in adjacent city, i'm still wondering if i'll have the energy to go. but do want to see my friends of there too, and banger art, and i have the whole longer weekend off so i would actually have time to explore too this time! think i will consult myself, and the friends, tomorrow after work.

seen this opinionpiece from may 2022 from a retweet - the future is post-western by yannick giovanni marshall

felt, though im sitting within circumstances where there's some sort of west vs russia thing going on, which is a fucking doozy to say the least. and my brain currently too small, smooth and blended to deeply ponder on some alternative existence where nationality n such shit wouldn't have as deepseated an implicit influence on identity and whatnot, in the context of this day and age, and feel like it might sadly be too idealistic for the time being, so the possible secret third thing beyond the two feels beyond reach, for now.

stupidly historical times, and anyway i basically do laundry, barely. i would probably still do laundry, barely, in any type of local situation, west or russia or secret third thing. but i guess i can do my part in some small ways nonetheless for the world to be a kinder place, though i'm just some mundane person with barely an activist bone in my body, plus i live slightly unfeasibly far from major cities, but even thru everyday choices...

ive got to put anna's archive somewhere into my links section. but i wanna work on the page properly and do several additions at once, if i were to. have pulled it up once in the past to get a book pdf, and pulled it up now to get a book pdf too.

anyway - visited my closest friend the past weekend for their bday, and their mom, being some1 who deals w psychology stuff as job, has some small bunch of suchlike books, and i picked out the estonian translation of living untethered: beyond the human predicament from a small pile and skimmed thru much of it, didn't have enough time for all of it tho, so i grabbed the eng pdf for it now, hence the mention. something to ponder about.

my hands and arms feel weirdly heavy right now, but maybe it's from my stupid posture. it's an interesting sensation though...

wed, feb 21 ~ 10:30pm

my mental state's been in a bit of a roller coaster today. some stuff overwhelmed me today, sensorily and socially. but also had a cute chat w some1 online today, a highlight of the day.

also: u ever end up being extremely normal over some absolute banger pic or other of ur fav music artist in, of all places, the dms of a friend that has a crush on u. sorry im just a little bit obsessed right now, not gonna crosspost the pic in question cos it's in an insta story/highlight, but. Yea. okay i'm normal. just needed to say this. it's not even the first time, and the friend is entirely fine with this (and has admired too 🤣)

fri, feb 16 ~ 10pm

gonna put this here - operation olive branch, a maintained spreadsheet of palestinian escape funds; linking here for now til i figure out a better spot... notebook, after all!
(saw via a tumblr post)

i found a disposable vape on the ground today, in the middle of some snow and not even on a sidewalk directly, though near one. 30% juice and 20% battery, or the other way around, i'm too lazy to check. some berry mix flavour. i fucked around (picked it up) and found out (had a puff). i dont care to vape or smoke or anything as such, and will continue not to care (fortunately contented enough w my life not to feel a pull towards such) - nonetheless this was kind of interesting, and i do like the flavour.
sorry to whoever lost their vape but i guess its mine now til it runs out one day in the probably further future 😂

frills posted a little life in pictures type thing in her blog today and i find the sheer compression + the fact the pics are rendered from base64 so cool. and this kind of spurred me to finally properly initiate my own little observations corner, though without the base64 haa!! i had been sitting on this idea for a while now, weeks maybe, glad to finally have something more tangible for that.

also oh! oh!!!! oh! ! oh also i saw yesterday that club zero - helsinki-based event series etc thing, i've gone to a couple of their nights - announced their next nite for end of next month and it has oli xl in the lineup!!!!!! and also quite a banger lineup in general. but my brain just straight going like Oli, Holy Shit (i say while this'll be my 9th time catching him dj hahahh oops), i genuinely got so hyped at the post. looking forward!!

mon, feb 12 ~ 10pm

been thinking about this bit from this recent vegyn interview:

He does interviews rarely and performs live even less. The few social media channels he has are largely inactive.
“I just don’t want to invite strangers into my life in that way,” Thornalley shrugs.

this way of putting that... yea

need to slip further into mental noise reduction mode, i've been slipping away from that a bit... i've been deeply clearing out my older insta likes, and saved posts, and story archives. will all that even matter in the end? i doubt. would it be easier to gut the acc entirely and start anew? probably! but i want to be selective about what to gut instead of just tossing it all away, idk. plus theres some banger shit in my saved stuff (within the subcategories of stuff i got) i'd wanna keep around maybe.

and also some discourse i spot online sometimes (doesnt matter where. insta tw*tter disc what-have-you) is over the most inane shit

whats it called when u fiddle w a headphone jack or whatever plugged in in a way that kind of drops out some of the sound in a certain position (sometimes cuts out the vox and/or other bits and/or whatever) bc sometimes it can b sick as fuck. havent bothered to go on some unclear wording nonsense search sesh about it haha but ive been passively curious for years really, about the mechanisms behind this, suspect the contacts might b to do w it in part but still like how... maybe one day i'll really fuck around and find out.

wed, feb 7 ~ 5:30-6pm

today i got my hands on the beanbag chair i ordered last week, it's some half-loungey type one with lil flaps of fabric that u can cocoon in and partly zip up. i'd been wanting a cozy sitting situation into the free corner of my room for a good while, considered hanging chairs for a while but the floor stands are too ridiculoudly large for such and i don't trust the wall or ceiling to hold that well, so, beanbag it is in the end.
and the cat just arrived to the premises for a short while as i was typing this too - gonna be a bit fun to see how she might take to this over time.

'unquantified' by nomasters - been quietly rolling this writing around in my head, and a few of the other ones of theirs, 'dumber phone' and 'nonparticipation' in particular

re 'unquantified': the mi band i have is still pretty useful in other respects - timer for cooking purposes, notifs at times, wakeup alarm and reminder vibrations (would forget to water my lil orchid or to attend to the radio shows i'd wanna attend to live otherwise and i mightnt always be at my phone haha) - i barely pay mind to the stepcount anyway and dont have that directly on display on it... and the sleep stats are sometimes inaccurate (thinks im asleep while ive been awake, sometimes). idk! did go like a week without the band in january tho and it was ok enough.

re the other two: i guess i'm halfway to having my smartphone be a dumbass, i do have the insta app currently (mostly to clear out archives rn) and log in and out of discord on the browser there. and do have one (1) standalone app game on it and it's pocket chao garden hahaha (plus logged in to flight rising on the browser hha); i guess part of why i'd wanna 'turn down the volume' on the stuff is some vague chronic overwhelm i've been feeling from being connected all the time !! so i've been trying to contain more/most of my online existence to my laptop... not ready for now to entirely cut myself off the socials, but containing them to the laptop on the most part might be alright too.

slept so hard last night in two parts, 9pm to 2:30am and then 6am to 12pm, i guess i really needed it... i like having two days off midweek, it's like saturday vol 1 for me right now. i had more stuff on my mind to write about yesterday, but needed a rest more than anything after work, so this'll do for now

at least i had a very nice dinner yesterday - the remainder of the fish sticks i had (7 of them), a whole carrot chopped up into lil sticks, with some sour cream based dip on the side, and a mug of cold cocoa. i'm so bad at eating fresh stuff especially in winter, so having something fresher included in mealtime for once is an improvement...
now to go figure out food for tonight. maybe something with eggs?

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